Microjoy Mushroom Gummies
Motivate: Find your true self hidden below the fatigue. This blend of energy boosting Cordyceps mushrooms, Maca for alertness and B12 for an additional kick of wakefulness, will make for brighter days.
Hibernate: Rediscover your joy with productive sleep and sweeter dreams. Crafted with calming and hormone balancing Reishi mushrooms, sleep-inducing L-Tryptophan, and relaxing L-Theanine, your refreshed brain will thank you.
Concentrate: Lift the fog and invite clear skies into the day. This combination of Lion's Mane mushrooms and L-Theanine cultivate brain acuity, concentration, improved mood and general flow for calm and productivity. *
Microjoy Origin Story
In 2020, as we rolled profoundly into the depths of the pandemic, my husband and I embraced the separation from everyday life. We had each other and our work that nourished us and gave us purpose. But gradually, almost like a subtle deep ache that got a little louder day by day, we noticed what we missed the most were the small joys, the miniscule interactions, of daily, routine life. The infinitesimal moments that had punctuated life without trying; the microjoys.
Those had previously arrived in the form of a surprisingly personal exchange with a barista, a shared conversation with a stranger in the cereal aisle, an impromptu snack of samples at the grocery store. Smiles. Smiles were missing.
The absence of those really small things, those micro-things, not the big things like planes and travel and boisterous dinners at restaurants, were the things whose disappearance chomped little pieces of our souls right out, like tiny inchworms chewing through the garden. Leaving absent scars in the form of empty little pockets of space.
We realized that life’s contentment, even authentic happiness, grew from recognizing what we came to call microjoys.
website: https://microjoyful.com/